While you may not be able to control all stress, here are a few simple tips designed to help you manage your stress so that you may feel better about yourself.
1. Accept that there are events in your life that are simply beyond your control.
2. Seek out social support. Friends are instrumental in helping us manage our stress and laughter can truly be the best medicine for the soul.
3. Remember to get enough rest and sleep. Make a committment to go to bed at least 30 minutes early several nights per week.
4. Do things that are pleasurable to you. Some examples include gardening, reading, listening to music, drawing or painting, tinkering in the garage, or playing an instrument.
5. Exercise regularly and look for creative ways to get physical activity that are fun and interesting. Try riding your bicycle or playing a game of soccor or tag with your children.
6. Manage your time effectively and create lists that help you stay-on-track.
7. Use alcohol in moderation.
8. Eat healthy well-balanced meals and have each family member be responsible for part of the meal preparation and clean-up.
9. Say “No” to requests from others. You have a choice to say “No” or to tell someone that you’ll need to think about their request and get back to them.
10. Take 10-15 minutes per day to relax and breathe deeply. Yoga or meditation can be very useful in stress management and are wonderful for your mind and body.
11. Keep a positive attitude Try to spend a few minutes daily making a list of five meaningful aspects of your day or your life.
12. Stop looking in the “rear-view mirror”. Whatever you have done or has happened to you in the past is over. It’s up to you to keep moving forward. All of us make mistakes and
punishing yourself by be-rating yourself will only prevent you from restoring your confidence.